Na tácu

In May 2021, driven by our high school experiences with poorly named cafeteria dishes that often left us guessing about the appearance and taste of our meals, my colleague and I launched Na tácu. Our mission was to reduce food waste in school canteens by offering clearer choices to students and staff. We believed that if people knew what their food would look and taste like, they would be more likely to consume it entirely and waste less. We developed a platform where canteens could display photos of their dishes directly linked to their menus, enabling students to see exactly what they were ordering, thus enhancing their dining experience and minimizing waste.

As a co-founder, I was responsible for leading the project and focused on the visual aspect. My partner concentrated on onboarding new school cafeterias and ensuring they were well informed.

Our commitment to enhancing how students interact with their meal options drove us into several competitions, gaining recognition for our innovative yet simple approach. We kicked off with a second-place finish at the EUTIS - Budoucnost máme ve svých rukou competition, receiving initial feedback that validated our general concept. At the Nakopni Prahu innovation marathon, we also secured second place, which brought us significant financial backing and several hours of consultancy with experts from various fields. We maintained our momentum at GreenHack, one of the biggest sustainability-themed innovation competitions in Central Europe, where we achieved third place.

These experiences have significantly enhanced my skills in legal matters, financial management, branding, and strategic communications. Developing a business plan and managing a project from the ground up over the years has taught me greatly, giving me more knowledge and skills to effectively lead and innovate.